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Hearing and its meaning in perception

Right auricle of a male patient

The human auricle catches sound with its funnel shape and forwards it into the auditory canal.

Perception is the process of acquiring and processing information from environmental stimuli. One of the most important processes of gathering information is listening.

What is hearing about

Hearing serves to perceive noises, tones and sounds. The responsible sensory organ is the ear. This is divided into the outer, middle and inner ear. The outer ear with its auricle and auditory canal is used to pick up sound. In the middle ear, this is mechanically amplified by the auditory ossicles and transmitted to the inner ear. There, the sound waves are picked up by hair sensory cells and converted into nerve impulses.

When hearing fails

The effects of noise, frequent inflammation, sudden hearing loss or old age are just some of the possible causes of hearing loss. Hard hearing does not automatically mean hearing everything quietly. Often just understanding language is difficult! Those affected have difficulties in everyday communication and therefore avoid social contacts.

Presbycussion is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. The hair cells are damaged and lose their function. The hearing loss, which usually occurs gradually, is often not recognized immediately, since sounds do not simply become quieter. Sounds and speech are perceived indistinctly and blurred.

A permanent exposure to noise or extreme noise experiences, such as a bang at close range, can damage hearing irreparably. Here, too, the hair cells in the inner ear are damaged and can no longer transmit the sound.

Also accidents or illnesses, such as middle ear infections or infections, can cause hearing loss. This is referred to as conductive or sensorineural hearing loss. In the case of the conductive disorder, the mechanical transmission of sound is impaired, in the case of the sensorineural disorder, the damage is in the inner ear.

Treatment of hearing disorders

In order to counteract permanent hearing loss, an ENT doctor should be consulted in good time. Depending on the cause of the hearing problem, various therapeutic approaches can help prevent permanent hearing loss. The treatment options range from an operation to the provision of hearing aids.

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